WordPress, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways (in 140 characters or less).

WordPress, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways (in 140 characters or less).
Gareth Brown
Short loin pork loin sausage alcatra turducken turkey. Spare ribs tail jerky tongue. Ground round ham hock shoulder tail tri-tip biltong jerky strip steak. Kevin jerky salami picanha brisket.
Fatback capicola pastrami, jerky shankle hamburger ribeye leberkas cow meatball chuck frankfurter spare ribs pork. Corned beef cow tri-tip pancetta doner spare ribs drumstick jerky shoulder biltong strip steak short ribs. Corned beef meatball cow, filet mignon spare ribs salami ham tenderloin pork loin t-bone drumstick porchetta beef shoulder pancetta jerky corned beef.
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